E-marketing gurus have been emphasizing for ever so long how important SEO or search engine optimization is with regard to business. But now there is a new catchphrase doing the rounds: Social Media Optimization. It is one of the most dynamic tools of marketing and also marks a noticeable departure from traditional marketing modes. Loosely speaking, it is the cyber equivalent of ‘word of mouth’ message spread. It enables small businesses, especially, to grow and develop their own niche. Even though small businesses are slowly getting used to the concept the contagion is spreading.
Ever since online networking portals have taken over as popular socializing sites, the world of marketing has undergone a change that can only be described as cataclysmic. To be sure, transactions involving buying and selling began to contour differently once cyber technology came to be recognized as a space for trading and transactional identity. The marketing world grew smaller in space as boundaries and geographies became irrelevant.
It is a known fact that trading depends on the configuration of the consumer base. Any modification or variation in the latter brings about a concomitant change in the way trading or marketing is carried out. Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have revolutionized, in fact, re-defined consumer psychology. These platforms account for a plethora of social activities online including posting blogs and messages, establishing social platforms and so on, all the while ignoring geographical, social and time boundaries.
Social media optimization (SMO) not only unites people from all classes and social structures but also instills a measure of egalitarianism. Not too long ago, and to some extent even today, a sprinkling of senior business professionals would deliberate over cups of coffee or tea a campaign to advertise their business. They would then bring their ideas to an advertising company and launch their campaign via traditional channels. Customer engagement would be almost nil or unilateral at best.
But this top-down approach has changed thanks to social media optimization which has re-configured communication networks by introducing an element of hitherto unthought-of multidimensionality. This simply means that messages seep in from everywhere and anywhere at any given time, rendering communication highly interactive. This is great news for small businesses that want to save on time with regard to ad campaigns without straining their budgets. Consumer engagement too, goes up a hundred fold at the same time.
So far so good. Yet, do bear in mind that if you are running a small business you would need to make your message pithy, comprehensible, and attractive. Remember, if your content is interesting you would attract a sizeable traffic of interested readers who could ultimately end up as your buyers. To keep your consumer base permanently involved with your product and product lines lively engagement is very important. Try and make your content highly interactive and entertaining to the greatest extent possible.
At De Mellows we can make this possible through our team of SMO wizards. Contact us without delay if you want your business to grow.